The Harvey Swerdloff Memorial Golf Classic has successfully supported the HBA of Bucks and Montgomery Counties for 25 years. Your support of this event is needed now more than ever. The event will be held at the prestigious Philly Cricket Club and with new guidelines to follow we anticipate a quicker sell out.
Instructor: Ben Ehrhart (LandStudies), Len Bradley (RGS Associates) Handouts Link to Webinar: Description This webinar will cover a brief history of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and legislative changes in the past decade, and how these changes affect development and property values. Minimum floodplain regulations and higher standard options that may be adopted in […]
The PHRC welcomes Brett C. Singer, staff scientist, head of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Systems and lead of the Indoor Environment Group at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, as the 2020 Hankin Distinguished Lecturer. His lecture is entitled Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities for Indoor Air Quality in U.S. Homes. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated a […]
BAMP 2020 Housing Excellence Awards – ZOOM Presentation You are cordially invited to join us to celebrate the winners of the 2020 Housing Excellence Awards. In this Covid 19 year, BAMP is launching its first-ever virtual presentation of this annual event. Join fellow BAMP members via Zoom to recognize and honor the winners of the […]