“This is the place of investment for the future. Communities, families and students should take a good look at all the possibilities that CTC has to offer.”
That’s what Indiana County Technology Center Carpentry (ICTC) Instructor Tim Bash has to say when someone asks about an education at a career and technology center.
Bash, along with fellow instructors Dennis Mumau (HVAC) and Luke Miller (Masonry), provide training and education to students in these PBA Endorsed Trade Program (ETP) areas.
The ICTC is considered a part-time career and technology center because academic instruction in the core content areas occurs at the
students’ sending district for half of the day while ICTC provides instruction in the technical/career areas the remainder of the day. The school provides state-of-the-art equipment within a safe environment. Through integrated technical and academic curricula, students learn theory and skills providing pathways to post-secondary education and/or employment in high growth and high-demand careers.
“CTC students being trained to entry level and beyond skills,” said Bash. “These students are being trained to do the work on the trades of the future. With that they are managing not only home school learning but the learning of the CTC program. I believe because of this the students that want to learn and be here. They are some of the brightness and most energetic and industrious students in the school system.”
PBA Member Matt Houser, owner of A & A Home Construction in Indiana, appreciates when ICTC instructors recommend students to him as possible employees.
“One of the things that I appreciate is that graduating students get a great foundation from their training to start building their careers,” Houser said. “They are aware of the safety issues required and are truly grateful to have a good job at their age.”
Houser then takes new hires under his wing to teach them about quality customer service and helps them establish good working habits.
In addition, Houser noted that his experience with hiring students directly from the ICTC is that these young people appreciate that they are coming out of school without a huge debt on their shoulders. He finds that they become the best resources for the education among their peers by encouraging them to consider the programs.
When asked why other employers should consider hiring from a CTC, Houser said that you get a better chance at getting someone to work if you work with the school.
“Since March 2020, whenever I was looking to hire someone, I would get about a 10 percent chance of having someone fill out an application after they saw an advertisement,” he said. “I don’t have that problem when I work with the ICTC. Employers are desperate for workers – that’s what you get from hiring from the schools.”
Bash said how much he appreciates the support from PBA and the Indiana-Armstrong Builders Association.
The PBA Endorsed Trade Program is important to the program because of the demand of skilled labor. While the Indiana-Armstrong BA members have been longtime supporters.
According to Richard Clawson, IABA Executive Officer, the local provides guest speakers, student visits to construction sites, and proctors for the NOCTI testing. In addition, members donate materials and equipment and engage students with ongoing projects.
“The carpentry class is currently remodeling a youth room at my church,” Clawson said. “They are putting in plank flooring and a drop ceiling after the electrician completes the wiring. Also, PBA Past President Warren Peter is overseeing a complete remodel projects students are doing for a ‘Home for a Cause’.”
The dedication and support of the instructors, local professionals, and the PBA ETP ensures that the Indiana County Technology Center will continue to produce quality workers for the future of home building.
“Not only is there a high demand equating to great job opportunities. There is no layout for tuition money, it is local, and it allows students to explore what they may like to do in life,” Tim Bash said.
That’s a future we should all be investing in.
Indiana County Technology Center
441 Hamill Road
Indiana, PA 15701
Administrator – Michael McDermott
Principal – Michael Worthington
Carpentry Instructor – Timothy Bash
HVAC Instructor – Dennis Mumau
Masonry Instructor – Luke Miller
Why should PBA members get involved in their local CTC programs?
When the home building industry joins forces with the school and instructor it takes the program to a different level. Professionals have so much to offer these students – expertise in specific fields. Make a big deal about it, celebrate that student, you will eventually reap the rewards of doing so.
Some examples of how to participate include:
- Take on a student in a CO-OP program and give them an education on a real jobsite, no matter how well-intentioned an instructor is, that experience can’t be replicated in a classroom/shop setting.
- Take time to explain what you are doing, and why you are doing it the way you are.
- Join an Occupational Advisory Committee and help guide your local program to fit the needs of our industry.
- Local HBAs should invite local students to your association’s events.
- Give a scholarship to a student going to college, or a toolbox filled with tools to a student going directly into the workforce.
- Keep the instructor up to date on the latest and greatest tools, equipment, and materials.
If you are looking to support the future of the home building industry – as well as your company – please consider donating to the Pennsylvania Foundation for Housing. All proceeds go directly to the PBA Endorsed Trade Program. For more information, click HERE.