During the 2025 PBA Installation Gala, Immediate Past President Thomas McCosby announced the establishment of a new PBA award designed to recognize outstanding service to the members.

For the inaugural award, Mr. McCosby presented the Presidential Star of Excellence Award to Jon Sukonik of the Home Builders Association of Bucks and Montgomery Counties.

Mr. McCosby cited Mr. Sukonik’s work on the 2021 Pennsylvania code adoption process and his fight against excessive energy codes that have had a profound cost-savings impact on the building industry. Sukonik’s knowledge in the UCC adoption process consistently set the standard for excellence within the organization.

In addition, Mr. McCosby noted Mr. Sukonik’s unwavering dedication to the builders of Pennsylvania.

Among the leadership positions Jon Sukonik has held are:

  • Chairman of NAHB’s Construction Codes and Standards Committee
  • Chairman of PBA’s Uniform Construction Code Committee
  • 2013 President of the HBA of Bucks and Montgomery Counties
  • 2020 PBA President

Appointments include:

  • The International Code Councils – 2021, 2024, and 2028 ICC Code Development Committees
  • Residential Contractor Seat for New Construction PA Uniform Construction Code – Review Advisory Council- Appointed by Senate President Pro Tempore – Senator Kim Ward

PBA members as well as all those involved in the home building industry owe Jon Sukonik a debt of gratitude for his work on their behalf.