What is PaCAH?
While it is always difficult to raise funds to support political candidates who support the housing industry, it is nevertheless very necessary. PBA and the housing industry are facing many difficult issues such as code and RAC reform, environmental regulation changes, MPC and PennDOT issues, etc. PBA will ask legislators from across Pennsylvania to vote with the housing industry.
Legislators who vote with the housing industry are often attacked by environmentalists, municipal officials, and the media and they need our funds to run effective re-election campaigns.
The home building industry can be a strong voice only if you contribute. Your contribution helps elect lawmakers who understand and are willing to listen to the homebuilding industry's concerns. These legislators need your support when they stand up against other interest groups to promote affordable housing.
PaCAH exists for these key reasons: to protect your business, your interests, and your industry. Electing lawmakers who will fight for your best interests is what PAC is all about.
The Pennsylvania Committee for Affordable Housing is PBA's political action committee. PaCAH's responsibility is to raise and distribute funds for contributions to candidates for Pennsylvania's General Assembly and designated statewide races.
The Keystone Club (formerly Committee of 75)
The Keystone Club, was launched to raise personal contributions from our larger members. The personal contributions are targeted to Pennsylvania's leaders. Contributions of $500 or more designate a Keystone Club member. Checks should still be made out to PaCAH, but noted Keystone Club on the memo line.>
Please be sure to complete all the information requested. This is REQUIRED for Campaign Finance Report per State Law. Then make your donation through the Pay Pal button.
Those wishing to pay with a personal check, please indicate. Checks should be made payable to "PaCAH" and sent to Sally Paff, PBA, 205 Grandview Ave., Suite 207, Camp Hill, PA 17011.